Resources for



Edith Read Living Shoreline Field Trip

Join us as we visit the newly constructed living shoreline at Edith Read Sanctuary in Rye, New York. Project leaders from the Westchester County Planning and Parks Departments will guide a tour of the site and share behind-the-scenes project details. Lunch will follow where you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with local nonprofit and community leaders. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop.

Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Community Engagement
Green Infrastructure


Hamden Bioretention Project Tour & Workshop

Join us as we visit the new bioretention/rain garden project in Hamden’s Town Center Park! Together with Save the Sound and the Town of Hamden, you will tour the site and learn behind-the-scenes project details. Then, you will attend presentations to consider more details and lessons learned, engage in discussions with community leader, and have the opportunity to workshop your own resilience project. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Workshop.

Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Community Engagement
Green Infrastructure

Guidance Tool

Level of Effort:

A Guide to Permitting Shoreline Modification Projects in New York’s Tidal Waters

The permitting process for shoreline modification projects is complex and it can be daunting to know where to begin. Check out New York Sea Grant’s NEW Guide to Permitting Shoreline Modification Projects in New York’s Tidal Waters for an overview of the process informed by federal, state, and local perspectives. It is intended for permit applicants using the New York State Joint Application for shoreline construction or modification, ranging from major to minor projects such as construction of floating docks, installing natural and nature-based features, bulkhead repair, development near a wetland, dredging, and invasive species removal.

New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Policies & Regulations

Guidance Tool

CTDEEP Tidal Wetlands Guidance Document

The CTDEEP document provides information about the many ways individuals, property owners, and communities can help protect Connecticut’s tidal wetlands.  

Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Sea Level Rise

Guidance Tool

Level of Effort:

NYS Stormwater Design Manual

The New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual provides designers with a general overview on how to size, design, select, and locate stormwater management practices at a development site to comply with State stormwater performance standards.

New York State
Stormwater Management

Guidance Tool

Level of Effort:

NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Guidance Document

The NYSDEC document is to provide guidance on the issuance of permits for living shorelines techniques in the Marine and Coastal District Waters of New York (the Marine District) and encourages the use of green or natural infrastructure.

New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Sea Level Rise


Level of Effort:

NYSDEC Permits, Licenses, and Registrations

Use this website to find New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) permits, licenses, registrations or certifications.

New York State
Policies & Regulations


Level of Effort:

Connecticut Coastal Permitting

Contains guidance documents and information on coastal permitting from the State of Connecticut.

Connecticut State
Policies & Regulations

Guidance Tool

Level of Effort:

Connecticut Beach Association’s Guide to Coastal Activities and Permitting

Guide that lists various beach-related actions/activities, permitting pathways, and other considerations

Connecticut State
Recreation & Access

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut