12 days

remaining to apply


Open: Due on Mar 7, 2025

$75,000 - $350,000

Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program

EPA has selected Environmental Justice for New England to serve as pass-through entity for the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grants for CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT. Thriving Communities subgrants will be distributed to support capacity building in communities affected by environmental or public health issues to eligible applicants. The program aims to reduce the burden of the federal grants application process and distribute federal funds to potential applicants working to address environmental justice issues.

Additional Information:
Tier 1 will consist of grants for $150,000 for assessment (one-year project period), Tier 2 will consist of grants for $250,000 for planning (1-2 year project period), and Tier 3 will consist of grants for $350,000 for project development (two-year project period). Preference will be given to projects in which the majority of the funds are going to capacity-limited organizations and groups. Additionally, noncompetitive awards, or "Seed Funds" will be made to capacity-constrained communities and CBOs in a fixed amount of $75,000 each.
Funding Agencies: Environmental Justice for New England, USEPA
Frequency Details: Funding rounds are anticipated in February 2025, May 2025, August 2025, November 2025, January 2026, and April 2026, and/or until all funding is allocated.
Match Requirement: None
Connecticut State
Land Use
Nature-based Solutions
Environmental Health Hazards
Environmental Justice
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Extreme Weather & Storms
Community Engagement
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut