Case Study

Roslyn Harbor, NY

Restoring Coastal Grassland at the William Cullen Bryant Preserve

The Nassau County Museum of Art restored coastal grassland and use the restored grassland to educate visitors about the environment at the William Cullen Bryant Preserve, Roslyn Harbor, New York. The project will restore an important coastal habitat of Long Island Sound. The whole area was seeded mid-October 2023 and the meadow growth began in the spring of 2024, although it will take 2-3 years to resemble a meadow.

William Cullen Bryant Preserve Grassland Restoration - Credit Jean Henning
See photo of the early phases of the grass land restoration, the area to the right is the site that was seeded in October 2023.
Impact Information:
8 acres of coastal grassland restored, 1000 people reached through education and outreach. Grasslands absorb and maintain more carbon within the root system and absorb more water into the aquifer than forests.
Period of Completion: 11/01/2021 - 10/30/2023
Total Cost: $144,904
Funding Sources: NFWF Long Island Sound Futures Fund and Garden Club of America and the North Country Garden Club
Permits Needed: N/A
Contact Info:

Jean Henning, Conservation Project Coordinator, William Cullen Bryant Preserve

New York State
Land Use
Community Engagement
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut