Case Study

Rain Gardens on Western Waterfront

Friends of the Bay installed two raingardens at the Western Waterfront, which was done in October 2021 with the help of volunteers.

Western Waterfront Rain Gardens
Western Waterfront Rain Gardens
Impact Information:
The main ways Friends of the Bay measured outcomes was by observing the absorption of water into the gardens after rain storms and seeing pollinators just a day or two after planting. The biggest benefit though was the engagement by the Town of Oyster Bay in fixing another rain garden at the Western Waterfront with help from a grant they received as well as plans to install more rain gardens in the area. Friends of the Bay was also able to engage a corps. of dedicated volunteers from the community. The long-term impact of the work is the continuation of stormwater runoff mitigation to the bay.
Period of Completion: Spring - Fall 2021
Total Cost: $6,000
Funding Sources: Long Island Sound Stewardship Fund and Town of Oyster Bay
Permits Needed: N/A
Contact Info:

Friends of the Bay,

New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Green Infrastructure
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut