Norwalk, CT
Webster Street Parking Lot Green Infrastructure Project
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Rendering of the Webster Lot Design Plan. Credit: City of Norwalk
Water capture and infiltration system of one of the retention basins. Credit: City of Norwalk
Infiltration gutter in between parking rows. Credit: City of Norwalk
End cap retention basin with tree filter. Credit: City of Norwalk
Sidewalk bioretention planter with educational signage. Credit: City of Norwalk
Educational signage. Credit: City of Norwalk
Impact Information:
The project is estimated to remove 12 lbs. of nitrogen and preventing over 6 million gallons of stormwater from entering Norwalk Harbor annually. Since it's installation, the site has not experienced any flooding incidents (as of 2024), indicating that it seems to be functioning well.
Period of Completion:
Total Cost:
Funding Sources:
EPA (NFWF Long Island Sound Futures Fund); Parking Authority
Permits Needed:
Department of Public Works
Contact Info:
Bryan Lutz
Assistant Director of Parking; 203-854-7253
Stormwater Management
Green Infrastructure