
Upcoming: Winter 2024


Urban and Community Forestry Planning Grant

The Urban and Community Forestry Planning Grant Program offers funding for municipalities and non-profit organizations to pursue planning projects such as tree inventories, management plans, or other monitoring programs that will help communities to make informed management decisions.

Additional Information:
Projects may include, but are not limited to, conducting inventories of street and/or park trees, creating urban and community forest management plans, developing monitoring programs to document tree condition, evaluations of local urban tree cover, and surveys of urban forested natural areas. Funds can be used to generate new materials and resources or to update existing ones such as previous inventories or out-of-date management plans. All applicants will need to articulate how such projects will be used to promote data-driven forest management in their respective cities in the future.
Funding Agencies: CT DEEP
Eligibility: Local Government Entity, Nonprofit/501(c)3 Organization
Frequency Details: Offered regularly
Match Requirement: 50:50
Connecticut State
Land Use
Environmental Justice
Recreation & Access
Green Infrastructure
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


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