

Non-monetary Award

Trees for Tribs

NYSDEC’s Trees for Tribs is a statewide program that works to reforest NY’s tributaries and create or improve riparian buffers that decrease erosion, reduce flooding damage, improve wildlife and stream habitat, and protect water quality.

Additional Information:
Anyone who owns or manages land in New York State with at least 50 feet along a stream or waterbody is eligible to receive a free bag of seedlings. Organizations or individuals with permission to plant on a given property with stream or waterbody access may also participate. Applicants are limited to one Buffer in a Bag kit, containing 25 bare-root, native tree and shrub seedlings approximately 1-2 feet tall, per property, but previous applicants are encourage to apply each year to continue to grow their riparian buffer.
Funding Agencies: NYSDEC
Frequency Details: Annual
New York State
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


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