

Past awards have ranged from $15,000-$825,000, depending on project type and scale

Climate Resilient Farming

The Climate Resilient Farming program aims to reduce the impact of agriculture on climate change and to increase the resiliency of New York State farms in the face of a changing climate. The CRF grant program provides cost-share assistance to farmers to reduce GHG emissions and increase resiliency through Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Additional Information:
Funds are applied for and awarded through County Soil and Water Conservation Districts on behalf of farmers in one of three project categories: agricultural waste storage cover and flare for methane reduction, on-farm water management, and soil health systems. Funded projects should reduce GHG emissions and sequester carbon, as well as enhance adaptation and resiliency on-farm to projected climate conditions (e.g., extreme storms, drought).
Eligibility: Local Government Entity
Frequency Details: Annual
New York State
Land Use
Water Quality
Extreme Weather & Storms
Waste Management
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


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