


NYS Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)

The NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides interest-free or low-interest rate financing for wastewater and sewer infrastructure projects to municipalities throughout New York State. A variety of projects are eligible for financing, including construction or restoration of sewers and wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater management, landfill closures, as well as habitat restoration and protection projects. There are several different types of financing available to clean water project applicants. EFC provides both short and long-term financing, interest-free or low interest to accommodate municipalities of all population sizes with varying financial needs. When communities repay their financings, it allows EFC to finance new projects and the funds “revolve” over time.

Additional Information:
The first step in seeking State Revolving Funds is getting your project listed in the Intended Use Plan (IUP). The IUP prepared annually to account for how the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) will be used during a federal fiscal year. Any project funded by the State Revolving Fund is required by law to be listed in the IUP. The requested information includes contact information, a general description of the project’s scope, a budget, and a project schedule. You must submit an approvable engineering report and Smart Growth Assessment Form with the project listing or have one on file in order to be on the Annual List. Once your project is on the IUP, you can submit a complete formal financing application.
Eligibility: Local Government Entity, Tribal Government/Organization
Frequency Details: Annual
New York State
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


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