Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development – Round 18
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s (DECD) Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) announced funding availability under Round 18. The purpose of the Municipal Grant Program as per C.G.S Section 32-763, is to provide grants for brownfield remediation and redevelopment. OBRD has also simultaneously announced the availability of funding under the Targeted Brownfield Development Loan and the Assessment-only Grant Program.
Additional Information:
Eligible uses of funds include: Costs associated with the investigation, assessment, remediation and development of a brownfield, including but not limited to: soil, groundwater and infrastructure investigation; assessment; remediation; abatement; hazardous materials or waste disposal; long-term groundwater monitoring or monitoring for natural attenuation; other forms of institutional controls; attorneys’ fees (non-DECD contract related), planning, engineering and environmental consulting; building and structural issues (including demolition, asbestos abatement, PCB removal, contaminated wood or paint removal and other infrastructure remedial activities).
Public-Private Partnership: DECD hopes to encourage public-private partnerships with this NOFA offering.
Individual/Landowner, Local Government Entity, Nonprofit/501(c)3 Organization, State Agency
Frequency Details:
Match Requirement:
Land Use
Environmental Health Hazards
Economic Impacts