max $200,000 or max $4M
Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development – Round 20
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s (DECD) Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) announced multiple funding availability notices under Round 20:
- Municipal Grant Program – Remediation & Limited-Assessment (up to $4M)
- Municipal Grant Program – Assessment-Only (up to $200K)
- Targeted Brownfield Development Loan Program (up to $4M)
The total funding amount available for all Round 20 notices is $25 million.
Additional Information:
Eligible uses of funds include: Costs associated with the investigation, assessment, remediation and development of a brownfield, including but not limited to: soil, groundwater and infrastructure investigation; assessment; remediation; abatement; hazardous materials or waste disposal; long-term groundwater monitoring or monitoring for natural attenuation; other forms of institutional controls; attorneys’ fees (non-DECD contract related), planning, engineering and environmental consulting; building and structural issues (including demolition, asbestos abatement, PCB removal, contaminated wood or paint removal and other infrastructure remedial activities).
Public-Private Partnership: DECD hopes to encourage public-private partnerships with this NOFA offering.
Funding Agencies:
Individual/Landowner, Local Government Entity, Nonprofit/501(c)3 Organization, State Agency
Frequency Details:
Match Requirement:
Land Use
Environmental Health Hazards
Economic Impacts
Environmental Justice