Level of Effort:
Community-driven relocation describes a situation where a community decides it will relocate,
in whole or in part, to reduce the risk faced by communities and individuals. This Community-Driven Relocation Subcommittee report provides background on community-driven relocation, an
overview of the current federal legal and programmatic landscape, and potential next steps that
Federal agencies can take, as part of a whole-of-government approach, to support communities
contemplating relocation.
Level of Effort:
Community-driven relocation describes a situation where a community decides it will relocate,
in whole or in part, to reduce the risk faced by communities and individuals. This Community-Driven Relocation Subcommittee report provides background on community-driven relocation, an
overview of the current federal legal and programmatic landscape, and potential next steps that
Federal agencies can take, as part of a whole-of-government approach, to support communities
contemplating relocation.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
FEMA’s National Resilience Guidance document is intended to help all individuals, communities, and organizations understand our nation’s vision for resilience, the key principles that must be applied to strengthen resilience, and the players and systems that contribute to resilience. It also outlines how to strengthen resilience by organizing and engaging people, incorporating resilience concepts into planning efforts, creating change through policies, prioritizing projects and programs, financing resilience efforts, and measuring and evaluating resilience. Finally, the NRG includes a Resilience Maturity Model that illustrates stages in the evolution of a community’s approach to resilience.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
FEMA’s National Resilience Guidance document is intended to help all individuals, communities, and organizations understand our nation’s vision for resilience, the key principles that must be applied to strengthen resilience, and the players and systems that contribute to resilience. It also outlines how to strengthen resilience by organizing and engaging people, incorporating resilience concepts into planning efforts, creating change through policies, prioritizing projects and programs, financing resilience efforts, and measuring and evaluating resilience. Finally, the NRG includes a Resilience Maturity Model that illustrates stages in the evolution of a community’s approach to resilience.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This resource outlines six different federal mitigation funding programs. It provides an overview of available options and links to learn more information and apply.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This resource outlines six different federal mitigation funding programs. It provides an overview of available options and links to learn more information and apply.
Resources & Tools