Join us as we visit the newly constructed living shoreline at Edith Read Sanctuary in Rye, New York. Project leaders from the Westchester County Planning and Parks Departments will guide a tour of the site and share behind-the-scenes project details. Lunch will follow where you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with local nonprofit and community leaders. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop.
Join us as we visit the newly constructed living shoreline at Edith Read Sanctuary in Rye, New York. Project leaders from the Westchester County Planning and Parks Departments will guide a tour of the site and share behind-the-scenes project details. Lunch will follow where you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with local nonprofit and community leaders. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop.
Join us as we visit the new bioretention/rain garden project in Hamden’s Town Center Park! Together with Save the Sound and the Town of Hamden, you will tour the site and learn behind-the-scenes project details. Then, you will attend presentations to consider more details and lessons learned, engage in discussions with community leader, and have the opportunity to workshop your own resilience project. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Workshop.
Join us as we visit the new bioretention/rain garden project in Hamden’s Town Center Park! Together with Save the Sound and the Town of Hamden, you will tour the site and learn behind-the-scenes project details. Then, you will attend presentations to consider more details and lessons learned, engage in discussions with community leader, and have the opportunity to workshop your own resilience project. This field trip is part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to our 2024 Annual Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Workshop.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Bryan Lutz
Assistant Director of Parking; 203-854-7253
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Resources & Tools