


Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program

Under this program, homeowners who replace their cesspool or septic system with new Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) technologies may be eligible for grants from New York State and Suffolk County that enable them to purchase and install a nitrogen removal septic system and leaching structure.

Additional Information:
The average cost of a nitrogen-removing I/A OWTS system is approximately $25,000, plus the cost of related engineering and design services. Engineering costs, post-installation landscaping restoration, irrigation repairs, electrical improvements unrelated to system installation, costs above the authorized grant amount, or other improvements are not eligible for this program.
Funding Agencies: Suffolk County
Eligibility: Individual/Landowner
Match Requirement: none
New York State
Water Quality
Incentive Programs
Waste Management
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Resilience Steps


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