no maximum or minimum

Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning Grant Program

Smart Growth promotes several land use planning principles that create livable, sustainable and equitable communities. Financial assistance grants are available on a competitive basis to municipalities to develop or update comprehensive plans, area plans (such as Transit Oriented Development plan) or zoning ordinances that incorporate smart growth principles including promoting efficient and sustainable land development and redevelopment patterns that optimize prior infrastructure investments. These planning efforts should reflect a community goals and aspirations for its own future, and address a wide range of planning issues including, but not limited to, appropriate physical development, economic development, transportation patterns, natural and built resource inventories, and population trends, while setting a course for clean and affordable energy, efficient use of land, protection of agricultural working lands and forests and overall healthy communities.

Additional Information:
Applications are accepted annually through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA). Grants are available to advance the preparation and adoption of one of the following: 1) Preparation and local adoption of a new or updated comprehensive plan for an entire town, village, or city that supports smart growth principles for the community; 2) Preparation and local adoption of new or updated zoning regulations (i.e., local law, ordinance) for an entire town, village, or city that would implement an existing comprehensive plan that supports smart growth principles for the community; 3) Preparation and local adoption of new or updated area plan for part of a town, village, or city that supports smart growth principles for the community, and which plans may include, but would not be limited to, transit-oriented development plans and downtown/hamlet area plans; or, 4) Preparation and local adoption of new or updated zoning regulations that would implement any such area plans already adopted by a subject town, village, or city.
Frequency Details: CFA/ Annually, May-July
New York State
Land Use
Economic Impacts
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut