Resilience Steps
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Find support and resources tailored to your project needs. Select your Planning Phase, Location, and/or Topic of interest to access a filtered selection of our curated resources and tools.
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The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 3 – Planning for Inundation was held on Wednesday, December 11th from 10 AM-12 PM. Participants heard from communities and regional entities that are using or considering different aspects of planning for inundation, including buyout programs, land use policies, and community perspectives on retreat/relocation.
The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 3 – Planning for Inundation was held on Wednesday, December 11th from 10 AM-12 PM. Participants heard from communities and regional entities that are using or considering different aspects of planning for inundation, including buyout programs, land use policies, and community perspectives on retreat/relocation.
On Thursday, June 15, Save the Sound, Connecticut Sea Grant, New York Sea Grant, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and Earth Economics hosted an invite-only workshop, “Expanding the Benefit-Cost Analysis for Nature-Based Solutions,” which was attended by more than 50 professionals from federal and state agencies, municipalities, environmental NGOs, and engineering firms.
The workshop reviewed the results of an effort by Save the Sound and Earth Economics to identify opportunities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies and funders to improve the ability of benefit-cost analysis tools to account for ecosystem-based benefits. See here for the associated report, Expanding FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis: Chittenden Living Shoreline Case Study (published June 2023).
On Thursday, June 15, Save the Sound, Connecticut Sea Grant, New York Sea Grant, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and Earth Economics hosted an invite-only workshop, “Expanding the Benefit-Cost Analysis for Nature-Based Solutions,” which was attended by more than 50 professionals from federal and state agencies, municipalities, environmental NGOs, and engineering firms.
The workshop reviewed the results of an effort by Save the Sound and Earth Economics to identify opportunities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies and funders to improve the ability of benefit-cost analysis tools to account for ecosystem-based benefits. See here for the associated report, Expanding FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis: Chittenden Living Shoreline Case Study (published June 2023).
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
Level of Effort:
A platform with resources by state for brownfield remediation, resilience, and sustainable redevelopment.
Level of Effort:
A platform with resources by state for brownfield remediation, resilience, and sustainable redevelopment.
Level of Effort:
Shows areas vulnerable to near-term flooding from different combinations of sea level rise, storm surge, tides, and tsunamis, or to permanent submersion by long-term sea level rise. Within the U.S., it incorporates the latest, high-resolution, high-accuracy lidar elevation data supplied by NOAA (exceptions: see Sources), displays points of interest, and contains layers displaying social vulnerability, population density, and property value.
Level of Effort:
Shows areas vulnerable to near-term flooding from different combinations of sea level rise, storm surge, tides, and tsunamis, or to permanent submersion by long-term sea level rise. Within the U.S., it incorporates the latest, high-resolution, high-accuracy lidar elevation data supplied by NOAA (exceptions: see Sources), displays points of interest, and contains layers displaying social vulnerability, population density, and property value.
Level of Effort:
Assess your county’s exposure and resilience to flooding and the potential economic impacts.
Level of Effort:
Assess your county’s exposure and resilience to flooding and the potential economic impacts.
Level of Effort:
Community-driven relocation describes a situation where a community decides it will relocate,
in whole or in part, to reduce the risk faced by communities and individuals. This Community-Driven Relocation Subcommittee report provides background on community-driven relocation, an
overview of the current federal legal and programmatic landscape, and potential next steps that
Federal agencies can take, as part of a whole-of-government approach, to support communities
contemplating relocation.
Level of Effort:
Community-driven relocation describes a situation where a community decides it will relocate,
in whole or in part, to reduce the risk faced by communities and individuals. This Community-Driven Relocation Subcommittee report provides background on community-driven relocation, an
overview of the current federal legal and programmatic landscape, and potential next steps that
Federal agencies can take, as part of a whole-of-government approach, to support communities
contemplating relocation.
Level of Effort:
Interactive map with county-level disaster declaration information and Congressional Districts for 2011-2023. Also includes a fact sheet and tables.
Level of Effort:
Interactive map with county-level disaster declaration information and Congressional Districts for 2011-2023. Also includes a fact sheet and tables.
Level of Effort:
National Report with State-based County-level data detailing the experiences of communities as a result of climate change. State reports include eight maps that show where major disasters have occurred, where post-disaster support has been given, where the most socially vulnerable populations reside, and the energy reliability by utility area. It also provides county-level disaster data within State Assembly, Senate, and Congressional district boundaries.
Level of Effort:
National Report with State-based County-level data detailing the experiences of communities as a result of climate change. State reports include eight maps that show where major disasters have occurred, where post-disaster support has been given, where the most socially vulnerable populations reside, and the energy reliability by utility area. It also provides county-level disaster data within State Assembly, Senate, and Congressional district boundaries.
Level of Effort:
National Report with State-based County-level data detailing the experiences of communities as a result of climate change. State reports include eight maps that show where major disasters have occurred, where post-disaster support has been given, where the most socially vulnerable populations reside, and the energy reliability by utility area. It also provides county-level disaster data within State Assembly, Senate, and Congressional district boundaries.
Level of Effort:
National Report with State-based County-level data detailing the experiences of communities as a result of climate change. State reports include eight maps that show where major disasters have occurred, where post-disaster support has been given, where the most socially vulnerable populations reside, and the energy reliability by utility area. It also provides county-level disaster data within State Assembly, Senate, and Congressional district boundaries.
Level of Effort:
Suffolk County and the local governments within Suffolk County developed a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan, which documents risks from natural hazards and strategies to mitigate hazards.
Level of Effort:
Suffolk County and the local governments within Suffolk County developed a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan, which documents risks from natural hazards and strategies to mitigate hazards.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This Story Map was developed to provide an overview of the Westchester County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to facilitate county-wide access to the plan. The Westchester County HMP was developed to provide a roadmap to resilience by identifying hazards affecting the county and its communities.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This Story Map was developed to provide an overview of the Westchester County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to facilitate county-wide access to the plan. The Westchester County HMP was developed to provide a roadmap to resilience by identifying hazards affecting the county and its communities.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Healthy ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits, from recreational opportunities to storm surge protection. These benefits are often referred to as ecosystem services. Understanding how changes to the ecosystem may affect these benefits should play a role in the community’s decision making process. This page provides a guide to learning more and key NOAA Digital Coast resources useful for this task.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Healthy ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits, from recreational opportunities to storm surge protection. These benefits are often referred to as ecosystem services. Understanding how changes to the ecosystem may affect these benefits should play a role in the community’s decision making process. This page provides a guide to learning more and key NOAA Digital Coast resources useful for this task.
Level of Effort:
Connecticut-specific site with maps, data, and visualization tools. Contains: Blue Plan, MS4 Viewer, CT Parcel Viewer, Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads & Marshes, CT DEEP Fish Community Data – Inland Waters, CT Aquaculture Mapping Atlas, CT Coastal Hazards Viewer, Carbon Stock & Land Cover Viewer
Level of Effort:
Connecticut-specific site with maps, data, and visualization tools. Contains: Blue Plan, MS4 Viewer, CT Parcel Viewer, Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads & Marshes, CT DEEP Fish Community Data – Inland Waters, CT Aquaculture Mapping Atlas, CT Coastal Hazards Viewer, Carbon Stock & Land Cover Viewer
Level of Effort:
The Connecticut Housing Data Hub provides users the ability to explore several categories of state- and town-wide housing data over time. Available data on the dashboard includes permitting, housing stock, rent burden, and housing programs.
Level of Effort:
The Connecticut Housing Data Hub provides users the ability to explore several categories of state- and town-wide housing data over time. Available data on the dashboard includes permitting, housing stock, rent burden, and housing programs.
Level of Effort:
An effort by Save the Sound and Earth Economics to identify opportunities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies and funders to improve the ability of benefit-cost analysis tools to account for ecosystem-based benefits.
Level of Effort:
An effort by Save the Sound and Earth Economics to identify opportunities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies and funders to improve the ability of benefit-cost analysis tools to account for ecosystem-based benefits.
Level of Effort:
These community profiles are intended to be used by municipal officials and planners working to make their communities more economically, environmentally, and socially resilient. Includes datasets related to FEMA disaster and non-disaster funding, flood insurance claims, social vulnerability, and other community stats.
Level of Effort:
These community profiles are intended to be used by municipal officials and planners working to make their communities more economically, environmentally, and socially resilient. Includes datasets related to FEMA disaster and non-disaster funding, flood insurance claims, social vulnerability, and other community stats.
Level of Effort:
The New York State Climate Impacts Assessment explores current and future climate change impacts to New York State communities, ecosystems, and economy. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) assembled more than 250 New York–based, national, and Indigenous climate science experts and representatives from diverse communities and industries across the state to contribute to this assessment. The findings are intended to help residents, businesses, and decision-makers across the state plan and prepare for climate change impacts.
Level of Effort:
The New York State Climate Impacts Assessment explores current and future climate change impacts to New York State communities, ecosystems, and economy. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) assembled more than 250 New York–based, national, and Indigenous climate science experts and representatives from diverse communities and industries across the state to contribute to this assessment. The findings are intended to help residents, businesses, and decision-makers across the state plan and prepare for climate change impacts.
Level of Effort:
User-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps on key topics such as marine life and habitat, marine-based industry, use and resources in the northeastern United States. The Data Explorer allows the user to define and view any combination of data hosted on the Portal on one map.
Level of Effort:
User-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps on key topics such as marine life and habitat, marine-based industry, use and resources in the northeastern United States. The Data Explorer allows the user to define and view any combination of data hosted on the Portal on one map.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This toolkit describes “how” local government leads and partners can design more fundable projects by pulling specific policy levers, seeking key partnerships, using innovative accounting practices, inverting power structures, and rethinking and redesigning internal processes. It will help local government leads and partners operate within current finance and policy systems to better prepare themselves and their communities for climate resilience funding and finance.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This toolkit describes “how” local government leads and partners can design more fundable projects by pulling specific policy levers, seeking key partnerships, using innovative accounting practices, inverting power structures, and rethinking and redesigning internal processes. It will help local government leads and partners operate within current finance and policy systems to better prepare themselves and their communities for climate resilience funding and finance.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Story Map
Created by UConn CLEAR in partnership with the Long Island Sound Study, this Population and Demographic Story Map explores the land and people in the Long Island Sound Watershed. From Canada down to the northern coast of Long Island, the watershed is a vastly diverse area in both land and people, populated by nearly 9 million people and characterized by farms, forests, urban centers, beaches, marshes and more. This story map showcases how the Sound is an integral part of the lives of those who live, work, and visit the region every day.
Story Map
Created by UConn CLEAR in partnership with the Long Island Sound Study, this Population and Demographic Story Map explores the land and people in the Long Island Sound Watershed. From Canada down to the northern coast of Long Island, the watershed is a vastly diverse area in both land and people, populated by nearly 9 million people and characterized by farms, forests, urban centers, beaches, marshes and more. This story map showcases how the Sound is an integral part of the lives of those who live, work, and visit the region every day.
Resources & Tools