Resilience Steps
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The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 1 – SRC Resilience Assistance Programs was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 10-11:30 AM. Participants learned about our Sustainable and Resilient Communities resilience assistance programs and heard from communities who have successfully utilized them to advance resilience project plans, build capacity, and secure competitive grant funding!
The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 1 – SRC Resilience Assistance Programs was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 10-11:30 AM. Participants learned about our Sustainable and Resilient Communities resilience assistance programs and heard from communities who have successfully utilized them to advance resilience project plans, build capacity, and secure competitive grant funding!
The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 2 – Resilience Tools was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants learned about new Resilience Tools being developed and used throughout coastal Long Island Sound.
The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 2 – Resilience Tools was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants learned about new Resilience Tools being developed and used throughout coastal Long Island Sound.
Case Study
Huntington, NY
This comprehensive study and plan, funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Long Island Sound Futures Fund, identifies initial strategies to maintain and enhance the local watershed resources of Crab Meadow. It is meant to be a land management tool to guide the implementation of best practices. The plan was developed in consultation with many partners and stakeholders. There is now significant community buy-in to take action to protect and restore this important watershed.
Following adoption of the plan, the Town of Huntington began working with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Audubon to study and restore Crab Meadow marsh and implement recommendations from the Stewardship Plan. Audubon, in partnership with Town of Huntington and USFWS, received a 2024 Long Island Sound Futures Fund Grant ($429K) to develop design plans for marsh restoration at Crab Meadow.
Garrett Chelius gchelius@huntingtonny.gov, Victoria O’Neill victoria.oneill@audubon.org, Suzanne Paton suzanne_paton@fws.gov
Case Study
Huntington, NY
This comprehensive study and plan, funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Long Island Sound Futures Fund, identifies initial strategies to maintain and enhance the local watershed resources of Crab Meadow. It is meant to be a land management tool to guide the implementation of best practices. The plan was developed in consultation with many partners and stakeholders. There is now significant community buy-in to take action to protect and restore this important watershed.
Following adoption of the plan, the Town of Huntington began working with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Audubon to study and restore Crab Meadow marsh and implement recommendations from the Stewardship Plan. Audubon, in partnership with Town of Huntington and USFWS, received a 2024 Long Island Sound Futures Fund Grant ($429K) to develop design plans for marsh restoration at Crab Meadow.
This field trip was part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to the 2024 Annual SRC Workshop.
On December 5, 2024, the Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) team of the Long Island Sound Study hosted a field trip featuring the Town of Hamden’s Bioretention Project – the largest municipally owned rain garden in the state! Participants began with a guided tour of the rain garden and bioretention areas at Town Center Park, where they heard from project planners and managers about its history, partnerships, challenges, and maintenance. Following this, participants gathered at the Hamden Government Center for a working lunch and presentations on topics including UConn’s Stormwater Corps, native plants, project engineering, and using nature-based solutions to advance climate resilience goals. The day concluded with a lively group discussion. Special thanks to our partners with the Town of Hamden, Save the Sound, the Hamden Land Trust, and UConn Extension.
Photo credit: Judy Benson
This field trip was part of a Community Resilience Project Showcase leading up to the 2024 Annual SRC Workshop.
On December 5, 2024, the Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) team of the Long Island Sound Study hosted a field trip featuring the Town of Hamden’s Bioretention Project – the largest municipally owned rain garden in the state! Participants began with a guided tour of the rain garden and bioretention areas at Town Center Park, where they heard from project planners and managers about its history, partnerships, challenges, and maintenance. Following this, participants gathered at the Hamden Government Center for a working lunch and presentations on topics including UConn’s Stormwater Corps, native plants, project engineering, and using nature-based solutions to advance climate resilience goals. The day concluded with a lively group discussion. Special thanks to our partners with the Town of Hamden, Save the Sound, the Hamden Land Trust, and UConn Extension.
Photo credit: Judy Benson
Case Study
New Haven, CT
The City of New Haven has installed 286 right-of-way bioswales throughout the city as part of a multifaceted approach to reducing flooding in the downtown area. Right-of-way bioswales are engineered planted areas that are located on sidewalks. They are designed to capture and infiltrate stormwater into the ground that would otherwise directly enter a storm drain. These bioswales were installed as the result of various partnerships and funding opportunities related to flood prevention, localized drainage solutions, combined sewer overflow mitigation, research, and traffic calming projects.
City of New Haven, Dept of Engineering
Urban Resources Initiative, EMERGE Inc., Save the Sound, Yale School of the Environment, and Quinnipiac University, among others.
Dawn Henning
Case Study
New Haven, CT
The City of New Haven has installed 286 right-of-way bioswales throughout the city as part of a multifaceted approach to reducing flooding in the downtown area. Right-of-way bioswales are engineered planted areas that are located on sidewalks. They are designed to capture and infiltrate stormwater into the ground that would otherwise directly enter a storm drain. These bioswales were installed as the result of various partnerships and funding opportunities related to flood prevention, localized drainage solutions, combined sewer overflow mitigation, research, and traffic calming projects.
City of New Haven, Dept of Engineering
Urban Resources Initiative, EMERGE Inc., Save the Sound, Yale School of the Environment, and Quinnipiac University, among others.
Case Study
Friends of the Bay installed two raingardens at the Western Waterfront, which was done in October 2021 with the help of volunteers.
Friends of the Bay, info@friendsofthebay.org
Case Study
Friends of the Bay installed two raingardens at the Western Waterfront, which was done in October 2021 with the help of volunteers.
The first annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together more than 260 people virtually on Dec. 1, 2022 to learn about opportunities to increase the resilience of the Sound’s communities to climate change and other environmental threats. Interactive sessions included opportunities to learn more about the SRC Extension Professionals’ needs assessment findings and recommendations, the newly released Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program, and tips for success with Long Island Sound funding opportunities. Concurrent breakout sessions highlighted the work of partners related to shoreline planning and implementation, using green infrastructure for stormwater management, sustainable climate planning for relocation, and new sustainability/resilience tools available in both New York and Connecticut. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The first annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together more than 260 people virtually on Dec. 1, 2022 to learn about opportunities to increase the resilience of the Sound’s communities to climate change and other environmental threats. Interactive sessions included opportunities to learn more about the SRC Extension Professionals’ needs assessment findings and recommendations, the newly released Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program, and tips for success with Long Island Sound funding opportunities. Concurrent breakout sessions highlighted the work of partners related to shoreline planning and implementation, using green infrastructure for stormwater management, sustainable climate planning for relocation, and new sustainability/resilience tools available in both New York and Connecticut. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
Case Study
Sea Cliff, NY
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee and Village of Sea Cliff completed subwatershed improvements at Scudders Pond to address stormwater drainage problems impacting the water quality of the pond and Hempstead Harbor, highlighted as a priority in the 1998 Hempstead Harbor Water Quality Improvement Plan. The improvements included dredging the pond, installing a hydrodynamic separator to intercept sediment, removing invasive Phragmites australis and replacing with native plants, realigning the stream to reduce erosion, redirecting the stormwater from residences to the bioswale, creation of a biofilter wetland area, replacement of the weir between the upper and lower ponds and weir at Shore Road.
Eric Swenson, Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee, hempsteadharbor@gmail.com
Case Study
Sea Cliff, NY
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee and Village of Sea Cliff completed subwatershed improvements at Scudders Pond to address stormwater drainage problems impacting the water quality of the pond and Hempstead Harbor, highlighted as a priority in the 1998 Hempstead Harbor Water Quality Improvement Plan. The improvements included dredging the pond, installing a hydrodynamic separator to intercept sediment, removing invasive Phragmites australis and replacing with native plants, realigning the stream to reduce erosion, redirecting the stormwater from residences to the bioswale, creation of a biofilter wetland area, replacement of the weir between the upper and lower ponds and weir at Shore Road.
This online information session held Sept. 19, and repeated Sept. 21, provides an introduction to resilience planning in the Long Island Sound region. It includes discussions on local climate impacts and projections, resilience planning strategies, and climate certification programs for both New York and Connecticut municipalities. In addition to the main presentation, videos of the Connecticut and New York breakout sessions can be accessed below. The presentations and other resource materials are available here.
This online information session held Sept. 19, and repeated Sept. 21, provides an introduction to resilience planning in the Long Island Sound region. It includes discussions on local climate impacts and projections, resilience planning strategies, and climate certification programs for both New York and Connecticut municipalities. In addition to the main presentation, videos of the Connecticut and New York breakout sessions can be accessed below. The presentations and other resource materials are available here.
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Bryan Lutz
Assistant Director of Parking
blutz@norwalkct.gov; 203-854-7253
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants suitable for planting along the banks of a river, stream or other body of water.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants suitable for planting along the banks of a river, stream or other body of water.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
A guide listing the trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants best for the banks of rivers, streams or other bodies of water (a companion to: A Planting Guide for Riparian Sites Along the Connecticut Coast)
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
A guide listing the trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants best for the banks of rivers, streams or other bodies of water (a companion to: A Planting Guide for Riparian Sites Along the Connecticut Coast)
Level of Effort:
A website and a downloadable app for your mobile device. The resource has information about rain gardens, designing, selecting plants, and installing a garden on your property.
Level of Effort:
A website and a downloadable app for your mobile device. The resource has information about rain gardens, designing, selecting plants, and installing a garden on your property.
Level of Effort:
This fact sheet for Conservation Commissions in Connecticut reviews the role of these commissions for enhancing the climate resilience of their communities. The resource was developed by CIRCA and covers the authority and duties of conservation commissions as well as detailing specific strategies and approaches.
Level of Effort:
This fact sheet for Conservation Commissions in Connecticut reviews the role of these commissions for enhancing the climate resilience of their communities. The resource was developed by CIRCA and covers the authority and duties of conservation commissions as well as detailing specific strategies and approaches.
Level of Effort:
This workbook made by Groundwork Bridgeport provides a thorough but accessible introduction to green stormwater infrastructure. The workbook explains the issues that green infrastructure can help solve, introduces several green infrastructure methods, and then provides definitions, explains why each is uses, and details how to build them.
Level of Effort:
This workbook made by Groundwork Bridgeport provides a thorough but accessible introduction to green stormwater infrastructure. The workbook explains the issues that green infrastructure can help solve, introduces several green infrastructure methods, and then provides definitions, explains why each is uses, and details how to build them.
Level of Effort:
Use this fact sheet to learn about riparian buffers and how they can be a tool for filtering excess nutrients and sediment from runoff, reducing flood impacts, and providing habitat. Learn more about buffers using this fact sheet. Details include what buffers are, why they are important, best practice recommendations, and design considerations.
Level of Effort:
Use this fact sheet to learn about riparian buffers and how they can be a tool for filtering excess nutrients and sediment from runoff, reducing flood impacts, and providing habitat. Learn more about buffers using this fact sheet. Details include what buffers are, why they are important, best practice recommendations, and design considerations.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The New York State Department of State worked with the Department of Environmental Conservation and other partners to create model local laws to help local governments be more resilient to sea-level rise, storm surge, and flooding. Cities, towns, and villages are invited to adapt model local laws to meet the resilience needs of the community with the assistance of their municipal attorneys.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The New York State Department of State worked with the Department of Environmental Conservation and other partners to create model local laws to help local governments be more resilient to sea-level rise, storm surge, and flooding. Cities, towns, and villages are invited to adapt model local laws to meet the resilience needs of the community with the assistance of their municipal attorneys.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This guidance document is intended for stakeholders pursuing FEMA HMA grants for nature-based solutions to mitigate risks associated with flooding (riverine and coastal) and wildfire.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This guidance document is intended for stakeholders pursuing FEMA HMA grants for nature-based solutions to mitigate risks associated with flooding (riverine and coastal) and wildfire.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Includes information about preparing for, and implementing green infrastructure with helpful links to other fact sheets and resources.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Includes information about preparing for, and implementing green infrastructure with helpful links to other fact sheets and resources.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The primary goal of this guide is to help communities identify and engage the staff and resources that can be used to implement nature-based solutions to build resilience to natural hazards, which may be exacerbated by climate change.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The primary goal of this guide is to help communities identify and engage the staff and resources that can be used to implement nature-based solutions to build resilience to natural hazards, which may be exacerbated by climate change.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This guide gives community leaders five main strategies to carry out Nature-Based Solution projects: 1) Building Strong Partnerships, 2) Engaging the Whole Community, 3) Matching Project Size With Desired Goals and Benefits, 4) Maximizing Benefits, and 5) Designing for the Future. This is not a technical guide for planning, constructing or funding NBS. It covers the value of each strategy and suggests how to move forward with NBS projects.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This guide gives community leaders five main strategies to carry out Nature-Based Solution projects: 1) Building Strong Partnerships, 2) Engaging the Whole Community, 3) Matching Project Size With Desired Goals and Benefits, 4) Maximizing Benefits, and 5) Designing for the Future. This is not a technical guide for planning, constructing or funding NBS. It covers the value of each strategy and suggests how to move forward with NBS projects.
Incentive Program
This program provides financial rewards for homeowners on Long Island who add green alternatives to their properties that benefit the environment. It also provides guidance on how to install green alternatives on your property.
Incentive Program
This program provides financial rewards for homeowners on Long Island who add green alternatives to their properties that benefit the environment. It also provides guidance on how to install green alternatives on your property.
Resources & Tools