Resilience Steps
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Find support and resources tailored to your project needs. Select your Planning Phase, Location, and/or Topic of interest to access a filtered selection of our curated resources and tools.
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The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 1 – SRC Resilience Assistance Programs was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 10-11:30 AM. Participants learned about our Sustainable and Resilient Communities resilience assistance programs and heard from communities who have successfully utilized them to advance resilience project plans, build capacity, and secure competitive grant funding!
The Long Island Sound Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Team held our 2024 Annual Workshop virtually as three sessions over two days. Session topics focused on our assistance programs, new regional resilience resources and tools, and a discussion on planning for inundation and different considerations communities may face.
Session 1 – SRC Resilience Assistance Programs was held on Tuesday, December 10th from 10-11:30 AM. Participants learned about our Sustainable and Resilient Communities resilience assistance programs and heard from communities who have successfully utilized them to advance resilience project plans, build capacity, and secure competitive grant funding!
Case Study
Huntington, NY
This comprehensive study and plan, funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Long Island Sound Futures Fund, identifies initial strategies to maintain and enhance the local watershed resources of Crab Meadow. It is meant to be a land management tool to guide the implementation of best practices. The plan was developed in consultation with many partners and stakeholders. There is now significant community buy-in to take action to protect and restore this important watershed.
Following adoption of the plan, the Town of Huntington began working with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Audubon to study and restore Crab Meadow marsh and implement recommendations from the Stewardship Plan. Audubon, in partnership with Town of Huntington and USFWS, received a 2024 Long Island Sound Futures Fund Grant ($429K) to develop design plans for marsh restoration at Crab Meadow.
Garrett Chelius gchelius@huntingtonny.gov, Victoria O’Neill victoria.oneill@audubon.org, Suzanne Paton suzanne_paton@fws.gov
Case Study
Huntington, NY
This comprehensive study and plan, funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Long Island Sound Futures Fund, identifies initial strategies to maintain and enhance the local watershed resources of Crab Meadow. It is meant to be a land management tool to guide the implementation of best practices. The plan was developed in consultation with many partners and stakeholders. There is now significant community buy-in to take action to protect and restore this important watershed.
Following adoption of the plan, the Town of Huntington began working with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Audubon to study and restore Crab Meadow marsh and implement recommendations from the Stewardship Plan. Audubon, in partnership with Town of Huntington and USFWS, received a 2024 Long Island Sound Futures Fund Grant ($429K) to develop design plans for marsh restoration at Crab Meadow.
Case Study
East Haddam, CT
With support from the Nature Conservancy and Sustainable CT, East Haddam organized a Community Resilience Building process and workshop, the results of which were compiled into this summary. The team engaged with community members to determine the present hazards and vulnerabilities and identify resilient solutions.
Case Study
East Haddam, CT
With support from the Nature Conservancy and Sustainable CT, East Haddam organized a Community Resilience Building process and workshop, the results of which were compiled into this summary. The team engaged with community members to determine the present hazards and vulnerabilities and identify resilient solutions.
The first annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together more than 260 people virtually on Dec. 1, 2022 to learn about opportunities to increase the resilience of the Sound’s communities to climate change and other environmental threats. Interactive sessions included opportunities to learn more about the SRC Extension Professionals’ needs assessment findings and recommendations, the newly released Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program, and tips for success with Long Island Sound funding opportunities. Concurrent breakout sessions highlighted the work of partners related to shoreline planning and implementation, using green infrastructure for stormwater management, sustainable climate planning for relocation, and new sustainability/resilience tools available in both New York and Connecticut. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The first annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together more than 260 people virtually on Dec. 1, 2022 to learn about opportunities to increase the resilience of the Sound’s communities to climate change and other environmental threats. Interactive sessions included opportunities to learn more about the SRC Extension Professionals’ needs assessment findings and recommendations, the newly released Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program, and tips for success with Long Island Sound funding opportunities. Concurrent breakout sessions highlighted the work of partners related to shoreline planning and implementation, using green infrastructure for stormwater management, sustainable climate planning for relocation, and new sustainability/resilience tools available in both New York and Connecticut. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
The second annual Long Island Sound Bi-State Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop brought together nearly 200 people virtually on Dec. 7, 2023 to learn about a new Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub (launching in early 2024), hear from communities and groups around the Sound working on resilience planning, and consider pathways for updating codes and ordinances. Videos of the workshop’s six sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with supporting documents.
Case Study
Sea Cliff, NY
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee and Village of Sea Cliff completed subwatershed improvements at Scudders Pond to address stormwater drainage problems impacting the water quality of the pond and Hempstead Harbor, highlighted as a priority in the 1998 Hempstead Harbor Water Quality Improvement Plan. The improvements included dredging the pond, installing a hydrodynamic separator to intercept sediment, removing invasive Phragmites australis and replacing with native plants, realigning the stream to reduce erosion, redirecting the stormwater from residences to the bioswale, creation of a biofilter wetland area, replacement of the weir between the upper and lower ponds and weir at Shore Road.
Eric Swenson, Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee, hempsteadharbor@gmail.com
Case Study
Sea Cliff, NY
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee and Village of Sea Cliff completed subwatershed improvements at Scudders Pond to address stormwater drainage problems impacting the water quality of the pond and Hempstead Harbor, highlighted as a priority in the 1998 Hempstead Harbor Water Quality Improvement Plan. The improvements included dredging the pond, installing a hydrodynamic separator to intercept sediment, removing invasive Phragmites australis and replacing with native plants, realigning the stream to reduce erosion, redirecting the stormwater from residences to the bioswale, creation of a biofilter wetland area, replacement of the weir between the upper and lower ponds and weir at Shore Road.
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Bryan Lutz
Assistant Director of Parking
blutz@norwalkct.gov; 203-854-7253
Case Study
Norwalk, CT
In 2019, the City of Norwalk secured a LIS Future Fund grant to install green infrastructure in the Webster Street Parking to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the Norwalk River and Harbor and mitigate local flooding of surrounding businesses through the installation of four different types of infiltration and bio-retention structures:
1) Underground infiltration systems.
2) Retention basins and curb inlet planters in eight different areas.
3) Porous pavement with storage in two areas.
4) Infiltration gutters and tree filters in two other areas.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Guidance for coastal property owners, buyers, contractors, or real estate professionals to understand if a shoreline structure, construction, or repair requires a permit.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Guidance for coastal property owners, buyers, contractors, or real estate professionals to understand if a shoreline structure, construction, or repair requires a permit.
Guidance Tool
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This resource outlines six different federal mitigation funding programs. It provides an overview of available options and links to learn more information and apply.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This resource outlines six different federal mitigation funding programs. It provides an overview of available options and links to learn more information and apply.
Level of Effort:
This workbook made by Groundwork Bridgeport provides a thorough but accessible introduction to green stormwater infrastructure. The workbook explains the issues that green infrastructure can help solve, introduces several green infrastructure methods, and then provides definitions, explains why each is uses, and details how to build them.
Level of Effort:
This workbook made by Groundwork Bridgeport provides a thorough but accessible introduction to green stormwater infrastructure. The workbook explains the issues that green infrastructure can help solve, introduces several green infrastructure methods, and then provides definitions, explains why each is uses, and details how to build them.
Level of Effort:
The 2022 State Climate Summaries provide new information on assessment topics directly related to NOAA’s mission, specifically historical climate variations and trends, future climate model projections of climate conditions during the 21st century, and past and future conditions of sea level and coastal flooding. Select your state to find state-level information for observed changes in climate, including both long-term trends and extreme weather events.
Level of Effort:
The 2022 State Climate Summaries provide new information on assessment topics directly related to NOAA’s mission, specifically historical climate variations and trends, future climate model projections of climate conditions during the 21st century, and past and future conditions of sea level and coastal flooding. Select your state to find state-level information for observed changes in climate, including both long-term trends and extreme weather events.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This story map examines the coastal processes and hazards of Long Island and provides options for sustainable and resilient shoreline management. Information is useful for coastal managers, planners and coastal property owners.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This story map examines the coastal processes and hazards of Long Island and provides options for sustainable and resilient shoreline management. Information is useful for coastal managers, planners and coastal property owners.
Level of Effort:
Suffolk County and the local governments within Suffolk County developed a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan, which documents risks from natural hazards and strategies to mitigate hazards.
Level of Effort:
Suffolk County and the local governments within Suffolk County developed a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan, which documents risks from natural hazards and strategies to mitigate hazards.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This Story Map was developed to provide an overview of the Westchester County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to facilitate county-wide access to the plan. The Westchester County HMP was developed to provide a roadmap to resilience by identifying hazards affecting the county and its communities.
Story Map
Level of Effort:
This Story Map was developed to provide an overview of the Westchester County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to facilitate county-wide access to the plan. The Westchester County HMP was developed to provide a roadmap to resilience by identifying hazards affecting the county and its communities.
Level of Effort:
To better understand how Connecticut’s coastal area marshes and roads may respond to sea level rise (SLR), Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) was applied to Connecticut’s shoreline by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. This viewer displays the model’s results for Connecticut’s 21 largest marshes and all coastal area roads. For marshes, SLAMM was run two hundred times using alternative model inputs for key model parameters, including various SLR scenarios, to produce probability based results of likely future marsh conditions. For roads, the model uses a single SLR scenario of about 4.2 feet by 2100 from the base year of 2002. The Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads and Marshes projects is a project between CT DEEP and UConn CLEAR.
Level of Effort:
To better understand how Connecticut’s coastal area marshes and roads may respond to sea level rise (SLR), Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) was applied to Connecticut’s shoreline by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. This viewer displays the model’s results for Connecticut’s 21 largest marshes and all coastal area roads. For marshes, SLAMM was run two hundred times using alternative model inputs for key model parameters, including various SLR scenarios, to produce probability based results of likely future marsh conditions. For roads, the model uses a single SLR scenario of about 4.2 feet by 2100 from the base year of 2002. The Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads and Marshes projects is a project between CT DEEP and UConn CLEAR.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Healthy ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits, from recreational opportunities to storm surge protection. These benefits are often referred to as ecosystem services. Understanding how changes to the ecosystem may affect these benefits should play a role in the community’s decision making process. This page provides a guide to learning more and key NOAA Digital Coast resources useful for this task.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
Healthy ecosystems provide a wide range of benefits, from recreational opportunities to storm surge protection. These benefits are often referred to as ecosystem services. Understanding how changes to the ecosystem may affect these benefits should play a role in the community’s decision making process. This page provides a guide to learning more and key NOAA Digital Coast resources useful for this task.
Level of Effort:
The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model, or SLAMM, uses digital data and other information to simulate potential impacts of long-term sea level rise on wetlands and shorelines. Additional data related to dike locations or other protected areas, accretion rates, erosion rates, and other factors can be included within the model as optional factors. Requires ArcGIS for viewing outputs in a mapping environment and software, such as Microsoft Excel and Word, to view the text and tabular output.
Level of Effort:
The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model, or SLAMM, uses digital data and other information to simulate potential impacts of long-term sea level rise on wetlands and shorelines. Additional data related to dike locations or other protected areas, accretion rates, erosion rates, and other factors can be included within the model as optional factors. Requires ArcGIS for viewing outputs in a mapping environment and software, such as Microsoft Excel and Word, to view the text and tabular output.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual provides designers with a general overview on how to size, design, select, and locate stormwater management practices at a development site to comply with State stormwater performance standards.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual provides designers with a general overview on how to size, design, select, and locate stormwater management practices at a development site to comply with State stormwater performance standards.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The permitting process for shoreline modification projects is complex and it can be daunting to know where to begin. Check out New York Sea Grant’s NEW Guide to Permitting Shoreline Modification Projects in New York’s Tidal Waters for an overview of the process informed by federal, state, and local perspectives. It is intended for permit applicants using the New York State Joint Application for shoreline construction or modification, ranging from major to minor projects such as construction of floating docks, installing natural and nature-based features, bulkhead repair, development near a wetland, dredging, and invasive species removal.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The permitting process for shoreline modification projects is complex and it can be daunting to know where to begin. Check out New York Sea Grant’s NEW Guide to Permitting Shoreline Modification Projects in New York’s Tidal Waters for an overview of the process informed by federal, state, and local perspectives. It is intended for permit applicants using the New York State Joint Application for shoreline construction or modification, ranging from major to minor projects such as construction of floating docks, installing natural and nature-based features, bulkhead repair, development near a wetland, dredging, and invasive species removal.
Level of Effort:
Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) is the collaborative work of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) to share environmental and natural resource information with the general public. CT ECO’s mission is to encourage, support, and promote informed land use and development decisions in Connecticut by providing local, state and federal agencies, and the general public with convenient access to the most up-to-date and complete natural resource information available statewide.
CT ECO includes a variety of online maps and tools for viewing Connecticut’s environmental and natural resources as well as high resolution aerial imagery, elevation data, and land cover. The Advanced Map Viewer provides flexibility to turn on and off layers of the map.
Level of Effort:
Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) is the collaborative work of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) to share environmental and natural resource information with the general public. CT ECO’s mission is to encourage, support, and promote informed land use and development decisions in Connecticut by providing local, state and federal agencies, and the general public with convenient access to the most up-to-date and complete natural resource information available statewide.
CT ECO includes a variety of online maps and tools for viewing Connecticut’s environmental and natural resources as well as high resolution aerial imagery, elevation data, and land cover. The Advanced Map Viewer provides flexibility to turn on and off layers of the map.
Level of Effort:
The Long Island Sound Watershed Land Cover Viewer contains all dates of land cover as well as Change To, Change From, Riparian Area Land Cover, and Impervious Surface Estimate layers. It also has many layers where HUC 12 watersheds are colored based on a single land cover.
Level of Effort:
The Long Island Sound Watershed Land Cover Viewer contains all dates of land cover as well as Change To, Change From, Riparian Area Land Cover, and Impervious Surface Estimate layers. It also has many layers where HUC 12 watersheds are colored based on a single land cover.
Level of Effort:
Contains guidance documents and information on coastal permitting from the State of Connecticut.
Level of Effort:
Contains guidance documents and information on coastal permitting from the State of Connecticut.
Level of Effort:
Connecticut-specific site with maps, data, and visualization tools. Contains: Blue Plan, MS4 Viewer, CT Parcel Viewer, Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads & Marshes, CT DEEP Fish Community Data – Inland Waters, CT Aquaculture Mapping Atlas, CT Coastal Hazards Viewer, Carbon Stock & Land Cover Viewer
Level of Effort:
Connecticut-specific site with maps, data, and visualization tools. Contains: Blue Plan, MS4 Viewer, CT Parcel Viewer, Sea Level Rise Effects on Roads & Marshes, CT DEEP Fish Community Data – Inland Waters, CT Aquaculture Mapping Atlas, CT Coastal Hazards Viewer, Carbon Stock & Land Cover Viewer
Level of Effort:
The Connecticut Housing Data Hub provides users the ability to explore several categories of state- and town-wide housing data over time. Available data on the dashboard includes permitting, housing stock, rent burden, and housing programs.
Level of Effort:
The Connecticut Housing Data Hub provides users the ability to explore several categories of state- and town-wide housing data over time. Available data on the dashboard includes permitting, housing stock, rent burden, and housing programs.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
FEMA’s National Resilience Guidance document is intended to help all individuals, communities, and organizations understand our nation’s vision for resilience, the key principles that must be applied to strengthen resilience, and the players and systems that contribute to resilience. It also outlines how to strengthen resilience by organizing and engaging people, incorporating resilience concepts into planning efforts, creating change through policies, prioritizing projects and programs, financing resilience efforts, and measuring and evaluating resilience. Finally, the NRG includes a Resilience Maturity Model that illustrates stages in the evolution of a community’s approach to resilience.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
FEMA’s National Resilience Guidance document is intended to help all individuals, communities, and organizations understand our nation’s vision for resilience, the key principles that must be applied to strengthen resilience, and the players and systems that contribute to resilience. It also outlines how to strengthen resilience by organizing and engaging people, incorporating resilience concepts into planning efforts, creating change through policies, prioritizing projects and programs, financing resilience efforts, and measuring and evaluating resilience. Finally, the NRG includes a Resilience Maturity Model that illustrates stages in the evolution of a community’s approach to resilience.
Level of Effort:
These community profiles are intended to be used by municipal officials and planners working to make their communities more economically, environmentally, and socially resilient. Includes datasets related to FEMA disaster and non-disaster funding, flood insurance claims, social vulnerability, and other community stats.
Level of Effort:
These community profiles are intended to be used by municipal officials and planners working to make their communities more economically, environmentally, and socially resilient. Includes datasets related to FEMA disaster and non-disaster funding, flood insurance claims, social vulnerability, and other community stats.
Level of Effort:
RAPT provides access to important data and analysis tools to support your community before, during and after a disaster.
Level of Effort:
RAPT provides access to important data and analysis tools to support your community before, during and after a disaster.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA’s) Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework, 3rd Edition, is a guide and collection of resources for use in analyzing the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on transportation infrastructure. Its purpose is to identify key considerations, questions, and resources that can be used to design and implement a climate change vulnerability assessment. The processes, lessons learned, and resources outlined in the framework are geared toward state departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other agencies involved in planning, building, or maintaining the transportation system. It includes suggestions and examples applicable to a wide range of applications, from small qualitative studies to large, detailed, data-intensive analyses. The resources included in the framework will be added to and updated over time.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA’s) Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework, 3rd Edition, is a guide and collection of resources for use in analyzing the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on transportation infrastructure. Its purpose is to identify key considerations, questions, and resources that can be used to design and implement a climate change vulnerability assessment. The processes, lessons learned, and resources outlined in the framework are geared toward state departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other agencies involved in planning, building, or maintaining the transportation system. It includes suggestions and examples applicable to a wide range of applications, from small qualitative studies to large, detailed, data-intensive analyses. The resources included in the framework will be added to and updated over time.
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This toolkit features legal and policy tools, best and emerging practices, and case studies to support learning and decision making around managed retreat and climate adaptation. It is meant to be used by state, territorial, and local policymakers in U.S. coastal jurisdictions
Guidance Tool
Level of Effort:
This toolkit features legal and policy tools, best and emerging practices, and case studies to support learning and decision making around managed retreat and climate adaptation. It is meant to be used by state, territorial, and local policymakers in U.S. coastal jurisdictions
Level of Effort:
Seatuck and the Greentree Foundation, in association with Cameron Engineering, initiated the Long Island Water Reuse Roadmap and Action Plan to catalyze the implementation of water reuse on Long Island and ensure that the strategy plays a larger and more meaningful role in safeguarding the region’s drinking water and surface water resources.
Level of Effort:
Seatuck and the Greentree Foundation, in association with Cameron Engineering, initiated the Long Island Water Reuse Roadmap and Action Plan to catalyze the implementation of water reuse on Long Island and ensure that the strategy plays a larger and more meaningful role in safeguarding the region’s drinking water and surface water resources.
Level of Effort:
Use this mapper to visualize people, infrastructure, and natural resources exposed to coastal flood hazards. You can save and share the online maps to communicate with stakeholders. Tip: watch the short video about the tool before getting started!
Level of Effort:
Use this mapper to visualize people, infrastructure, and natural resources exposed to coastal flood hazards. You can save and share the online maps to communicate with stakeholders. Tip: watch the short video about the tool before getting started!
Level of Effort:
This tool produces location-specific scenarios for sea level and flooding, as well as information about present-day and past conditions. Local governments and other practitioners can use the information to make informed decisions about strategic adaptation investments. The site incorporates data, maps, and visualizations and produces automated, location-specific reports.
Level of Effort:
This tool produces location-specific scenarios for sea level and flooding, as well as information about present-day and past conditions. Local governments and other practitioners can use the information to make informed decisions about strategic adaptation investments. The site incorporates data, maps, and visualizations and produces automated, location-specific reports.
Level of Effort:
Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.
Level of Effort:
Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.
Level of Effort:
The Nassau County Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed through a year-long interactive planning process in close coordination with stakeholders. The process included identifying the hazards of concern within the County, assessing those hazards, estimating risk, and developing a strategy to mitigate risk to these hazards throughout the County.
Level of Effort:
The Nassau County Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed through a year-long interactive planning process in close coordination with stakeholders. The process included identifying the hazards of concern within the County, assessing those hazards, estimating risk, and developing a strategy to mitigate risk to these hazards throughout the County.
Level of Effort:
Neighborhoods at Risk is an easy-to-use website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities identify neighborhoods that may be more impacted by climate change. It shows where people may experience unequal impacts from flooding and extreme heat.
Level of Effort:
Neighborhoods at Risk is an easy-to-use website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities identify neighborhoods that may be more impacted by climate change. It shows where people may experience unequal impacts from flooding and extreme heat.
Level of Effort:
User-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps on key topics such as marine life and habitat, marine-based industry, use and resources in the northeastern United States. The Data Explorer allows the user to define and view any combination of data hosted on the Portal on one map.
Level of Effort:
User-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps on key topics such as marine life and habitat, marine-based industry, use and resources in the northeastern United States. The Data Explorer allows the user to define and view any combination of data hosted on the Portal on one map.
Level of Effort:
Developed by The Nature Conservancy, this tool identifies priority road-stream and tidal crossings in Suffolk County for replacement or upgrades. Prioritization is based on social and ecological criteria. Additionally, it includes data on current and future projected flooding and marsh extent under various sea level rise scenarios. The tool is meant to be a screening tool for planning efforts.
Level of Effort:
Developed by The Nature Conservancy, this tool identifies priority road-stream and tidal crossings in Suffolk County for replacement or upgrades. Prioritization is based on social and ecological criteria. Additionally, it includes data on current and future projected flooding and marsh extent under various sea level rise scenarios. The tool is meant to be a screening tool for planning efforts.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Level of Effort:
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
Incentive Program
The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers grants, rebates for electric vehicles, and free technical assistance. Registered communities have made a commitment to act by passing the CSC pledge. Certified communities are the foremost leaders in the state; they have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting a suite of actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. Find your local CSC Coordinator to start!
Incentive Program
The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers grants, rebates for electric vehicles, and free technical assistance. Registered communities have made a commitment to act by passing the CSC pledge. Certified communities are the foremost leaders in the state; they have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting a suite of actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. Find your local CSC Coordinator to start!
Incentive Program
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program helps local governments to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, funding opportunities and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects and guides a path toward the Clean Energy Communities designation. Find your local CEC Coordinator to start!
Incentive Program
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program helps local governments to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, funding opportunities and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects and guides a path toward the Clean Energy Communities designation. Find your local CEC Coordinator to start!
Incentive Program
Resources and information on Suffolk County’s Reclaim Our Water Initiatives and Septic Improvement Program. Through the Septic Improvement Program homeowners can access grants from New York State and Suffolk County to replace their cesspool or septic system with a nitrogen removal septic system and leaching structure.
Incentive Program
Resources and information on Suffolk County’s Reclaim Our Water Initiatives and Septic Improvement Program. Through the Septic Improvement Program homeowners can access grants from New York State and Suffolk County to replace their cesspool or septic system with a nitrogen removal septic system and leaching structure.
The Suffolk County Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan serves as a county-wide roadmap for how to address nitrogen pollution through wastewater upgrades and other nitrogen pollution mitigation strategies. It was developed in collaboration with numerous project partners, stakeholders, and technical experts, and is the product of rigorous, science-based evaluations.
The Suffolk County Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan serves as a county-wide roadmap for how to address nitrogen pollution through wastewater upgrades and other nitrogen pollution mitigation strategies. It was developed in collaboration with numerous project partners, stakeholders, and technical experts, and is the product of rigorous, science-based evaluations.
The Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force conducted an in-depth review of the preparation for and response to Superstorm Sandy in Suffolk County by government agencies, first responders, nonprofits and private sector entities to determine which measures were effective and what actions must be taken in the future to increase resiliency and improve response to extreme weather events.
The Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force conducted an in-depth review of the preparation for and response to Superstorm Sandy in Suffolk County by government agencies, first responders, nonprofits and private sector entities to determine which measures were effective and what actions must be taken in the future to increase resiliency and improve response to extreme weather events.
Sustainable CT provides a wide-ranging menu of resilience best practices, opportunities for grant funding, and a voluntary certification program that recognizes thriving and resilient CT communities. Municipalities choose Sustainable CT actions, implement them, and earn points toward certification.
Sustainable CT provides a wide-ranging menu of resilience best practices, opportunities for grant funding, and a voluntary certification program that recognizes thriving and resilient CT communities. Municipalities choose Sustainable CT actions, implement them, and earn points toward certification.
Resources & Tools