Resources for

Incentive Program

Incentive Program

Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program

Resources and information on Suffolk County’s Reclaim Our Water Initiatives and Septic Improvement Program. Through the Septic Improvement Program homeowners can access grants from New York State and Suffolk County to replace their cesspool or septic system with a nitrogen removal septic system and leaching structure.

New York State
Water Quality
Incentive Programs


Sustainable CT

Sustainable CT provides a wide-ranging menu of resilience best practices, opportunities for grant funding, and a voluntary certification program that recognizes thriving and resilient CT communities. Municipalities choose Sustainable CT actions, implement them, and earn points toward certification.

Connecticut State
Incentive Programs
Policies & Regulations

Incentive Program

FEMA Community Rating System

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

New York State
Connecticut State
Incentive Programs
Policies & Regulations

Incentive Program

Long Island Garden Rewards Program

This program provides financial rewards for homeowners on Long Island who add green alternatives to their properties that benefit the environment. It also provides guidance on how to install green alternatives on your property.

New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Incentive Programs
Green Infrastructure

Incentive Program

Nitrogen Smart Communities

Nitrogen Smart Communities (NSC) is a Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP) program that encourages municipalities in Nassau and Suffolk counties to take meaningful and effective actions to reduce, prevent or eliminate nitrogen pollution in Long Island’s waters through community-specific plans of action.

New York State
Water Quality
Incentive Programs

Incentive Program

NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program helps local governments to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, funding opportunities and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects and guides a path toward the Clean Energy Communities designation. Find your local CEC Coordinator to start!

New York State
Incentive Programs
Policies & Regulations

Incentive Program

NYS Climate Smart Communities

The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers grants, rebates for electric vehicles, and free technical assistance. Registered communities have made a commitment to act by passing the CSC pledge. Certified communities are the foremost leaders in the state; they have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting a suite of actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. Find your local CSC Coordinator to start!

New York State
Incentive Programs
Policies & Regulations

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut